21 — On an Evolutionary Journey

Dr. Marc Gafni
Office for the Future
22 min readJun 6, 2023


This piece is a lightly edited transcript of a live talk [March 18, 2017] given by Dr. Marc Gafni and Barbara Marx Hubbard on the weekly broadcast One Mountain, Many Paths, founded by Gafni and his evolutionary partner Barbara Marx Hubbard. Thus, the style of the piece is spoken word and not a formal essay.

Edited by Benjamin Swartout, Krista Josepha, and Kristina Tahel Amelong.

Meditation on the evolutionary impulse within

Barbara Marx Hubbard

We are on a mighty evolutionary journey together. We are right at the moment of an awakening of an entire planetary body — either to devolution and destruction, or to evolution and creation.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

The Evolutionary Church comes to you at that precise moment of evolution. To experience it, take a moment to put your attention in the mind of God. Go back to the origin of creation and experience the core of the spiral as an evolutionary impulse, through billions and billions of years, from —

  • the universe,
  • to earth,
  • to life,
  • to animal life,
  • to human life,

…and now you.

It is coming through the impulse of your being, from the lowest chakra, all the way up through your heart. Take that impulse of evolution in your heart right now. Feel it there — the mighty impulse awakening your heart in love.

Now imagine a time on Earth when all of the world is paying attention like they did during the millennium or during the lunar landing. Everyone is paying attention to the Unique Self Symphony celebrating the birth of a new humanity.

Now, feel that impulse of the Divine, the God force within you, going up through you and out through the top of your head, into the noosphere or the thinking layer of Earth.

Take a moment to simply feel your unique expression as a component of the Unique Self Symphony. Whatever it is that God gave you to express as your very best, as your greatest self, give it to this noosphere, this church. This is your statement for today in the Book of Life.

The universal symphony, the Unique Self Symphony, is orchestrated by the Divine process of creation. It is the interior of evolution inside you that is coded with the evolutionary impulse now.

Let your breath go up and down. Activate your own unique expression within the Unique Self Symphony. We are aligned in love, moving forward toward our collective awakening as Homo Universalis, born into our god-like powers to co-evolve with nature and to co-create with Spirit.

Taking a very deep breath, Marc, I turn to you for our prayer.

We pray to the Infinity of Intimacy

Dr. Marc Gafni

How wonderful it is to be together, beloved Barbara! It is so great to be with everyone. My friends, we are in week twenty-one of Evolutionary Church!

Do we get what that means?
Do we get the wild excitement of that?
Do we get the delight of that?

We are in Bethlehem. We are founding a new movement together that emerges out of the space in between us — the space of love, the space of Evolutionary Love, the space of Outrageous Love that is the Unique Self Symphony.

We move from Barbara’s beautiful resonance into prayer. We are laying down the framework, laying down the tracks, the groundwork for this Evolutionary Church to spread around the world. Thousands of people have signed up. A deep bow to every single person who opens the space in the heart to be here, to show up every week, to found the church.

In the liberal world, we don’t come to church, occasionally when we want a little entertainment. We come with the notion of being committed, of coming every week, to build a resonant space. Episcopalian churches are pretty empty; Fundamentalist churches are pretty full — that is a tragedy!

Whenever I want to hear the Spirit of God moving alive, I go to a Black Gospel, African American, Fundamentalist church. Do I agree with their dogma? I do not. Do I agree with lots of their politics? I do not, but the Spirit of God is moving there. The Spirit of God is moving because they get it, though they may not have the language that the God you don’t believe in doesn’t exist.

God is not merely, as the old religions told us, the Infinity of Power —

  • God is the Infinity of Intimacy
  • God is the God that Rumi talked about when he said, every place I fall, I fall into God’s hands.
  • God is the Beloved who catches us no matter what and where.
  • God is the personal face of the Intimate Universe.
  • God is the God who Solomon talked about.

The God spoken of by the great Solomon of the temple when he said,
Smolo tachat roshi viymino t’chabkeni — שְׂמֹאלוֹ֙ תַּ֣חַת לְרֹאשִׁ֔י וִימִינ֖וֹ תְּחַבְּקֵֽנִי — God’s left hand beneath my head, His right arm embracing me.¹
Tocho ratzuf b’ahava — תּוֹכוֹ֙ רָצ֣וּף אַהֲבָ֔ה — Its insides are lined with love.²

The Structure of Evolutionary Church

As we move into prayers, we move into the place in which we offer the holy and the broken Hallelujah. Notice, every week we do the same thing. We begin with logistical church announcements as in churches, synagogues, mosques, Buddhist centers, ashrams, and secular humanist centers. Then, Barbara does the gorgeous opening up to the resonant field. Then, an introduction to prayer and a hymn.

We offer our prayers — a first message, a second message — then, we confess our greatness and then we pass the plate.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

Why do we keep doing the same thing again? In a world without depth, we want to be entertained, we try and shake it up, do it differently every single time to get entertained. When we are laying down the tracks for a new church, we want to go deep.

To go deep, you do it again, and again.

How many people have ever said, I love you? We have all said I love you. How many people have ever had sex? Here is the big question. How many people have had sex twice? Really!? You already did that! You kept doing the same thing week after week. Are you for real? What were you thinking? You did that already! Why do you repeat something? Why do you say I love you again?

I say I love you again. I make love again — whether in spirit, in body, in emotion, in heart — because I want to go deeper. I am not looking for just a new body or a new person to say it to. I want to go deeper and deeper and deeper, saying, I love you, to my entire circle of intimacy and influence.

That is what we do friends, you get it?

Every week a resonance

Every week after Barbara does a resonance, we do an introduction to prayer. We want to go deep into the same meditations.

Beloved friends, in the twenty-first week of Evolutionary Church, as we reclaim the evolutionary God, as we reclaim evolutionary prayer, we liberate prayer from its fundamentalist hold and we offer it up. Here is the pointing-out instruction.

Pointing Out Instruction

Can you hear me talking?
— Yes you can.

I can hear you talking; I heard Barbara talking.
How did I hear Barbara talking?
— Using my ears.

But it was not just my physical ears. I was using my intelligence. My intelligence heard Barbara talking.

This is a pointing-out instruction. We point out what prayer means. It is a Tibetan Buddhist practice called pointing-out instruction.

When I, with my intelligence, heard Barbara talking, am I the most intelligent person in the State of California? I don’t think so! I am not all of the intelligence in California. There is lots of intelligence.

Am I separate from the source of intelligence?

No! I am part of the larger field of intelligence. There is not just Gafni’s intelligence.

My intelligence participates in the larger field of Reality.

So if my intelligence could hear Barbara speaking, could it be that when Barbara prays, the intelligence of all of Reality can’t hear her speaking? Of course not! Of course not!

When we pray, the Infinity of Intimacy, the field of LoveIntelligence of all of Reality, hears and holds and kisses and loves every word we say.

We offer up our holy and broken Hallelujah. Every place we fall, we fall into God’s hands. We go in, and we offer up. We sing with, and we sing along. We write down the note we want to say to ourselves, that we want to offer as our prayer. We go into and literally feel God!

The God we don’t believe in doesn’t exist.

The Infinity of Intimacy knows our name, hears every word of this hymn, and every word of the prayer we are about to offer.

When we pray, we open all the gates. We align with the Intimacy of Reality and say, Help me! Hold me! Mother! Amen!

Let us feel it! Let us pray like we do every week, the holy and the broken Hallelujah!

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen cover by LeAnn Rimes

Prayers to the Infinity of Intimacy

Every week in Evolutionary Church, before we talk about the evolutionary impulse moving in us and before we unpack the Unique Self Symphony, we bring together the holy and the broken Hallelujah.

We affirm the dignity of personal need and we realize that we live in a world of outrageous pain. The only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love.

Outrageous Love means —

  • that everything matters,
  • that every person matters,
  • that all our pain matters,
  • that all our angst matters,
  • that every moment of brokenness matters,
  • and that we are never alone.

We pray before God. The God we don’t believe in doesn’t exist. We pray and offer our prayers to the Infinity of Intimacy, for ourselves, for our friends.

Does everyone understand? The gates are open now! When the gates are open there is grace. When I pray to a place of grace, Reality — literally God — hears.

Can you imagine God sitting before us? The Infinity of Power sitting in a chair,

the second face of God, and you say, I am busy. Sorry, I am busy. I can’t make the effort God, sorry! I was a little busy. I was just doing something else. I was sending a text message. I was watching other people pray.

My life, who cares? Oh my god! Do you get it, my friends?

The fundamentalists got a few things wrong in the dogma, but they got some things right in the Infinity of Intimacy. For us to have an evolutionary family, to invoke a Unique Self Symphony, we need to know that our prayers matter.

We can offer our prayers.
We are not extra on the set.
We are not entertainment.
We are raising up and offering our prayers. That is the good news of Reality.

The good news of Reality is that no one is alone.

The good news of Reality is that the same God, in the third person, which is the infinite laws of physics, the laws of chemistry, and the laws of all of the Infinite Power of reality, all of that third face of God is sitting on this chair with us, in Evolutionary Church, loving each of us open, knowing our names, and offering it up.

So, it is good and the word is good, my friends. Forgive me, if I or Barbara said anything wrong and you think, wow, we did it wrong! You are right! Give it up! There is nothing between us! There is no distance!

  • We are an Evolutionary family.
  • We are the Evolutionary Church.
  • We are laying down the tracks together.

We are reclaiming the knowing that God, the Infinity of Intimacy, the evolutionary impulse knows our name and holds us in every moment. The obstacles are melted away and the word is good.

Evolutionary testament of co-creation

Barbara Marx Hubbard

I am going to reference my book, The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept, and share with you something that I want to offer Evolutionary Church:

Several years ago, I asked the universe, What kind of person could handle all the new power of humanity? (Biotech, nanotech, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and space travel) Who is able to incarnate that as a human without destroying the world?

I took a walk and I saw a beautiful calvary monastery. I saw a cross and a group of hang gliders jumping off a higher mountain, floating in butterfly wings above the cross. I had the phrase come to me: mass metamorphosis.

Then this phrase of St. Paul arrived in my head:

Behold I show you a mystery.
We shall not all sleep,
we shall all be changed at any moment,
in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trumpet and the trumpet is sounding.

I was so thrilled. I realized that possibly the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus Christ was to reveal the possibility of metamorphosis of humanity — a new person, a new body, a new consciousness, a new light.

With that, I checked into the Mount Calvary Monastery for a silent retreat. The next week, I picked up a Bible. I had not been a reader of the Bible. I had tried to be an Episcopalian and had failed. I come from a Jewish agnostic secular background.

As I started to read the New Testament with evolutionary eyes, I came to an epiphany about the life of Jesus. As he said: you will do the works that I do and greater works than these will you do in the fullness of time because I go to the Father.

What does that mean? I go to the Divine impulse in me, incarnated as me. I do this so that you know that you shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

I had been a friend of the world-changing Jonas Salk, who played a pivotal role in devising and implementing a safe and effective vaccine against polio. He had taken me down to the biological laboratories in California where they were saying, stamp out physical death!

I had been a futurist, working with people who are studying artificial intelligence. They felt we could upload ourselves into silicon. I am not saying any of this is true or not true, but we are already attempting to do the work.

As I started to read the New Testament, I became aware that it is coded evolution. This is true of all the great scriptures of the world, but this one is particularly true because Jesus was a future human! He is what we are becoming!

It is called the Day of Pentecost.

This is really where it all got started, and it relates deeply to Evolutionary Church. The Day of Pentecost, what happened after Jesus’s crucifixion, after the resurrection, after the story that Mary Magdalene was able to tell, He’s here! He’s here!

They couldn’t believe her. They couldn’t believe it could have happened to a woman to see first. But, she did. And seeing him after the crucifixion changed the entire world. It was not the teaching. It was not the Sermon on the Mount. It was the reappearance.

I am relating this to ourselves in an amazing way. Here is a brief description:

They all gather together [these are the disciples], and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing, mighty wind and it filled all the house, where they were sitting and there appeared unto them, cloven tongues as of fire and it sat upon each of them.

So Marc, they reminded me of you. They were totally enlivened by Spirit.

Marc: Amen, love, amen!

They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. There were dwelling in Jerusalem, Jews, devout men of every nation under Heaven. When it was told that this was going on, the multitude came and were confounded, because every man heard them speaking in his own language.

These are all different languages in the upper room at the time of the Pentecost, and they heard it in their own language. They were amazed.

They said, behold, are not these who speak Galileans? How then do we each hear them in our own tongue wherein we were born? They were all amazed and were in doubt saying, what meaneth this? These men are full of wine! But, Peter standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and said, ye men of Judea, an all who dwell in Jerusalem, be this known unto you: we are not drunk, seeing it is but the third hour of the morning. But, this is what was spoken of by the prophet Joel, it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

Here is the writing that came to me after reading that:

Now dearly beloved, your time has come. You are the second generation of disciples. You are to go forth and tell the new story to your generation. You are to tell the world: We are rising. You now have the capacity to do the works that I did and greater works can you do. You, who believe in your capacity to do as I did, are the new disciples. You will work together for the Planetary Pentecost.

Now guess what that is — it is the Unique Self Symphony — and here I described it. This was written in 1980, before I had ever known about the Unique Self Symphony.

The Planetary Pentecost is the alternative to Armageddon. It is a time on earth when all those who choose to evolve occupy the upper room of consciousness, simultaneously. In this aligned field of love and expectation you will all hear, in your own language, in your own words, in your own inner voices, the mighty works of God that you are to do. You will be empowered with the powers of a natural Christ.

Is this true already? I am speaking to you all over the earth, on the internet, traveling with the speed of light. Taking it personally.

Marc: Amen! It is true already! It is true already!

Barbara: You will be able —

  • to heal yourselves,
  • to restore the earth,
  • to emancipate the untapped genius of all those who so believe.

Marc: Amen! Amen!

Barbara: The media — your planetary nervous system — will pulse with light as it reports on the stories of your transformation.

Then, I gave this book to Marc and I said, Marc, Is it possible that God and Christ are speaking through us now? And did that happen before? He said, Yes! Here is what he wrote in the afterword:

You are a Unique Self who represents an irreducibly precious story of essence that is being written throughout your life. When your Unique Self awakens, you become an expression of God’s will and you are able to hear the voice of divine revelation. All of us!

When your awakened Unique Self, sensitive to the voice of God’s new revelation joins with the genius of an ancient sacred text like the Bible, then the desperately needed miracle of revelation — so critical for our time — is made manifest.

To whom does God speak?

Spirit speaks in three voices: I, We, and It. Barbara has heard the voice of God spoken in the second voice, interpreting and writing commentary on the sacred texts. She has written an Outrageous Love letter back to God after reading God’s personalized love letter to her, in the form of the sacred biblical text.

Every one of us is hearing the voice from within.

And when we speak, it amplifies its meaning.

I am going to offer to everybody that, if you so choose, you can get my book, The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept. We will be able to read it together and ask: what voice is coming through you directly?

Because it inspires every one of us to do so as well. The day of Pentecost, the Unique Self Symphony, is arising.

Four core foundation texts of Evolutionary Church

Dr. Marc Gafni

We wanted to introduce this week some of the texts of the Evolutionary Church. The first major text is Barbara’s wonderful Evolutionary Testament. It is gorgeous. I was privileged to write an afterword for it as we were getting to know each other. It is a guiding force for Evolutionary Church.

The second text is called Radical Kabbalah. Radical Kabbalah, like Evolutionary Testament, is a guiding text for the Evolutionary Church.

We’ll have Christian texts. We’ll have Hebrew mystical texts. We will have Sufi texts. But the four texts that are our guiding texts are, Evolutionary Testament and Conscious Evolution, two gorgeous texts which Barbara wrote, and two texts that I was privileged to write, Radical Kabbalah (which is two volumes) and Your Unique Self.

Those are the four core foundation texts of Evolutionary Church. What we are doing now is, bringing the texts online.

Unique Self Symphony from Radical Kabbalah

I want to share with you a short teaching from Radical Kabbalah, and a wild and holy and wonderful and awesome story.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!

Here is the text — are you ready? Give me a drumroll friends!
Hold on one second, someone wrote in the chat box, Marc, he’s a little too excited about this!

I am SO excited!
I am so excited to be offering, together with Barbara Marx Hubbard, and to all of us together, the texts of our new church.

May there be more texts!
May we all write texts and they all join!

We have to have some anchoring texts, which articulate the beginning of this Dharma. Barbara and I have committed our next two years, God willing! God should give us health and prosperity and dignity and goodness for writing the new texts.

We are working now on three major new texts to ground the Evolutionary Church.

A story of Divine calling

Here is the story friends. What is his name? His name is Moses. Moses receives revelation, and it happens to come from the middle of a burning bush. That revelation says, Moses, I got a job for you.

Moses says (as people often say to burning bushes) I am not interested. I am busy. I got a life to live! We have scripture on this, Exodus, Chapter 4. God, I got a life. I got things going on! I’m running stuff. I’m running my new-age movement. I can’t really listen to you. I’ve got all these egoic disguises. God, you’re awesome; I’m busy.

And God says, No, no. Moses, I don’t think you get it. This is God talking, Ehiyeh Asher Ehiyeh — אֶֽהְיֶ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֶֽהְיֶ֑ה — I am that I am! This is God calling you!

Now, follow carefully here.

Moses says — Lo Ish Devarim Anochi — in the original Hebrew — לֹא֩ אִ֨ישׁ דְּבָרִ֜ים אָנֹ֗כִי— I’m not a man of words.

Then, Moses says — כְבַד־פֶּ֛ה וּכְבַ֥ד לָשׁ֖וֹן אָנֹֽכִי — I’m a sta-sta-sta-stutterer.

So, Moses says to God, I stutter, I’m not a man of words, I can’t do this job! Get someone who’s refined, who’s taken speaking courses, who knows elocution.

And God says to Moses, No, No, No, my friend, I want you!

That is in the book of Exodus. This is from Radical Kabbalah, when we get to the Fifth book of the Bible. The Bible is considered, by tradition, the word of God, whatever that means, it is the word of God. The fifth book of the Bible begins with the phrase, Eilu Hadevarim — אֵ֣לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֗ים — These are the words that Moses spoke.

Now one second, let’s just get this straight. It just said in Exodus that Moses says, I’m not a man of devarim. I’m not a man of words. Then three books later, Moses has gone through this transformation and the person who wasn’t a man of words, now becomes the ultimate man of words.

What happened?

How did the man, who was a stutterer, the man who before the Burning Bush was not a man of words, who refuses the divine call to give his Unique Gift into the Unique Self Symphony and to rise to leadership — how does he become the man of words? What happens?

What is the transformation?

How does he become, Eilu Hadevarim — these are the words. Deuteronomy means, these are the words — Eilu Hadevarim — אֵ֣לֶּה הַדְּבָרִ֗ים.

Who is speaking the words which are the word of God? Moses!

How could Moses be speaking the word of God?

Isn’t Moses just a human being?

Many interpretations, many mystics, say: Well, you know, Moses becomes a channel. Moses empties himself out completely — no Moses left. Moses is a channel and the word of God speaks through Moses.

My friends, that could be; that is a beautiful understanding.

But, I want to share with you something even deeper, which is the deepest teaching of Evolutionary Church. This is the teaching offered in Radical Kabbalah. It is the teaching of the great lineage Masters. The great lineage Masters say: The reason the word of Moses becomes the word of God is not because Moses becomes a channel, who is so absent, so effaced with his Moses-ness that only the word of God is coming through.


Moses has so embraced his Moses-ness, he has so embraced his Unique Self, he has so embraced the Unique Expression of Intimacy that is Moses, that —

  • by becoming his Unique Self,
  • by becoming his Evolutionary Unique Self,
  • by becoming fully Moses,
  • by finding the voice of Moses,

…the voice of God speaks!

When Barbara finds the voice of Barbara, then God is alive and speaking.
What Barbara has to do;

What Marc has do;
What Mosa has to do;
What Alex has to do;
What Lee has to do;
What Alita has to do;
What we all have to do —

We’ve got to get out of our contraction!
We’ve got to get out of our smallness!
We’ve got to get over ourselves!
We’ve got to give up being right!

We want to get out of the small egoic contraction to step into not our emptiness

but from our emptiness, rise as our fullness.

We realize we are part of the seamless coat of the Universe, part of the One.
The seamless code of the Universe is seamless, but it is not featureless.
Moses is a Unique Feature of the seamless code of the Universe.
Moses is God’s Unique Intimacy.
Moses is a Unique Self.
Moses is an Evolutionary Unique Self.

Once I realize I am an Evolutionary Unique Self, playing my instrument, my unique instrument, I can never give Barbara’s resonance. I can never give Barbara’s message. No matter what I do, I cannot inspire in the particular and unique and gorgeous way that Barbara Marx Hubbard inspires. Therefore I get to fall in love with Barbara. You get it? I get to fall on my knees in devotion because I am in devotion before a unique and gorgeous Evolutionary Unique Self — clear, divine voice that speaks by — Vayidabeir Adonai El-Mosheh Leimor — וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר יְהֹוָ֖ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֥ה לֵּאמֹֽר — God spoke to Moses saying…

God spoke to Barbara saying,
God spoke to Marc saying, but not in a new-age way, not in a casual way,
We got to do the work!

Moses starts in the book of Exodus as, I’m not a man of words.
He is contracted.

He is confused.
He’s got to grow.
He’s got to mature.
He’s got to practice.

Like all of us —

He’s got to walk through the depression.
He’s got a walk through the sadness.

There is no way around it.
The only way is through!

And, we gotta pray, I want to know what love is.
I gotta always ask, I want to know what love is.

Through the heartache and the pain, I keep screaming out to God. God tell me what love is and tell me how to be my Unique Self. Tell me how to join Unique Self Symphony. Tell me how to give my gifts of Outrageous Love.

Not ordinary love. Not the love that is contracted and a strategy of the ego. But Barbara Marx Hubbard, as Unique Expression, the Evolutionary Unique Self of Outrageous Love. Outrageous Love that can only be given by Barbara-ness.

That, my friends, is what Moses becomes!

The holy text says — with this we finish and then we offer our prayer. I want to know what love is, right now. We offer our prayer — but we got to get the last final text. Here it is, shekhinatei dabrei m’pumei d’moshe.¹⁰

The Shekhina — הַשְּׁכִינָה — the divine voice, speaks to the lips of Moses. Not because Moses has disappeared, but because Moses for the first time has appeared.

Our invitation to ourselves, my friends: the Evolutionary Church is not a church led by Marc, or by Barbara. It is a church which is us, which is Evolutionary Unique Selves, joining hands in Symphony, knowing that the next great Buddha is the Sangha.

Photography by Kristina Tahel Amelong

The Sangha is made up, not of effaced, new-age disappeared selves, who pretend to be part of the One, but are harboring secret resentments and ego.

No! No! No! When you pretend to have gotten rid of ego, ego comes back and bites you — in every possible way.


We have let our ego flower and mature into Unique Self. Ego points to Unique Self.

Ego is the sense that I exist. But, I exist not as separate, I exist as a Unique Self.

I exist as an Evolutionary Unique Self that is needed, by all that is, with Outrageous Acts of Love to give that are needed in the Symphony!

Tom Goddard, it is so good to see you this week! Tom, remember you sent me, a few years ago, this vision of a symphony that was played at some consulting gig you were at? The whole symphony plays, and then you take out one instrument in the symphony. Then, you play the symphony again, the whole symphony is off. Then you put that instrument back in, the entire symphony shifts. It is alive! It is beautiful again!

My friends, me and you, Barbara and myself, none of us are extras on the set. Put your voice in there, speak your voice in Unique Self Symphony, by offering up your prayer.

As we sing this prayer together, offer, what am I standing for? What’s my gift?

Barbara, start off, offer us, model it for us, what is your great and beautiful gift? Offer your gift, tell us what your gift is. Yes!

Dare to be who we truly are

Barbara Marx Hubbard

The holy plate with a holy statement that also came from the New Testament writing.

When I asked this presence, what shall I call you? This was a presence of what I would think of as the living Christ, the presence said, call me your potential self. I am you.

In taking that to be true, the entire purpose of the life of Jesus was to incarnate the Father as a demonstration, which he said over, and over, and over again, you will do the works that I did, and greater works.

Each of us is the living presence of the Living Divine.

In Evolutionary Church, we are going to dare to be who we truly are. I wrote the book in 1980 and I didn’t dare be who I truly am until now! Well, look how long that was, I hope nobody else has to take this long to come out of the closet!

Let us give our gift to our life, ourselves, our world, and the vision of a Unique Self Symphony, in which everybody on earth, from every culture is feeling God within, emerging as their Unique Expression of the Divine.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Marc: Oh my god! Thank you so much!

We sing to each other. We look each other in the eye. And we know in Evolutionary Church, we are building something together.

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Evolutionary Spirituality | One Mountain Many Paths

[1] Song of Solomon 2:6
[2] Song of Solomon 3:10
[3] 1 Corinthians 15:51–58
[4] John 14:12
[5] Acts 2:2–8
[6] Acts 2: 7–17
[7] The Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation: The Promise Will Be Kept, by Barbara Marx Hubbard
[8] Exodus 4:10
[9] Deuteronomy 1:1
[10] Zohar Vol. 1



Dr. Marc Gafni
Office for the Future

Author, Visionary Philosopher, Evolutionary Mystic, Social Innovator, and the President of the Center for Integral Wisdom. http://www.marcgafni.com